April 2023
| Bergische Blätter 100.000 Gedanken in einer Sekunde Die Ukrainerin Nadiia Sheremetieva findet ihre neue musikalische Heimat im Bergischen
April 12, 2024 | patronatskirche.de
What a voice! Nadiia Sheremetieva (coloratura soprano) and Diala Hanana (pianist) invited people to this special concert on April 12, 2024. In doing so, she made the venerable building vibrate, because these are the highest notes that coloratura sopranos can sing.
April 07, 2024 | Rheinische Post Ukrainian artists enchant in the city church 'The Ukrainian coloratura soprano Nadiia Sheremetieva is no longer unknown in Wülfrath. Most recently, in January of this year, she thrilled the audience with the Ensemble Al Watan at the Awo-Kulturbistro. Now she is appearing again in the Kalkstadt.'
March 11, 2024 | Aachner Zeitung Ein Konzert und ein überraschendes Bekenntnis "Equipped with an impressive voice, Sheremetieva captivated the visitors in the small hall. Those present were enthusiastic and applauded loudly after each piece of the one and a half hour long concert."
January 29, 2024
| Westdeutsche Zeitung “Nadiia Shremetieva filled the room with the impressive volume of her trained voice, accompanied by an extraordinary ensemble of various guitars, harps and accordions. Finely plucked, hit hard, gently stroked and rhythmically tapped - the classical and electric guitars provided strong rhythms, as well as the metallic, delicate sound of the harp in correspondence with the bright and lively sound of the mandolins. Enthusiastic shouts and thunderous applause also paid spontaneous recognition to the actors."
January 29, 2024
| TaeglichME "What a start to the cultural program of the AWO-Kulturbistro 2024: ‘An impressive concert with a fantastic singer Nadiia Sheremetieva,’ was how one audience member summed up Al Watan’s concert in the AWO-Kulturbistro."
Octobre 12, 2023 | Ronsdorfer Wochenschau Arien und mehr in der Kath. Kirche St. Joseph |
Octobre 08, 2023 | Wuppertaler Rundschau Sheremetieva und Danise: Sopran trifft Piano |
13.09.2023 | Viertelklang: "Im Januar präsentierten Nadiia Sheremetieva (r., Koloratursopran) und Carolina Danise (Piano) Opernarien in der Friedenskirche in Remscheid. Jetzt treten die beiden in Ronsdorf auf." |
08.09.2023 | Der "Viertelklang" bringt Ronsdorf zum Klingen - Auch Nadiia Sheremetieva macht mit |
26.08.2023 | Beitrag des österreichischen Fernsehens ORF über das Konzert auf Schloss Heiligenkreuz-Gutenbrunn bei Wien (Download) Beitrag des österreichischen Fernsehens ORF über das Konzert auf Schloss Heiligenkreuz-Gutenbrunn bei Wien (Link)
23.08.2023 | Heiligenkreuz-Gutenbrunn: Ein Dreieinhalbjähriger im Rampenlicht |
24.07.2023 | فنانة روسية - أوكرانية تكشف لـ"النهار العربي" مشروعها الأوبرالي في سوريا ولبنان
08.06.2023 | „Con molta passione“ erklingt in der Stadtkirche
30.05.2023 | Zupfinstrumente - "mit viel Leidenschaft" |
03.04.2023 | „Rassismus ist ein trauriges Dauerthema“
03.04.2023 | Mit Kultur Brücken bauen Building bridges with culture Al Watan's second solo singer, Nadiia Sheremetieva, has a fantastic voice. The daughter of a Ukrainian and a Syrian, speaking nine languages, delivered a colorful array of well-known songs from Ukraine and the Arabic-speaking world. After the final song “We are the World, we are the Children” the audience could no longer stay on their seats.
| Kundgebung: Ukraine - Ein Zeichen für den Frieden setzen
| Demo für die Ukraine und den Frieden am Freitag
| Wülfrath: "Die Königin der Nacht"
| Remscheider und Ukrainerin organisieren zusammen Konzerte
| "Die Königin der Nacht": Klassik in Wülfrath
| Friedensdemo am Freitag - Radio Wuppertal
| Für den Frieden - Katholische Kirche in Wuppertal
12.02.2023 | Erdbeben-Benefizkonzert im Café Swane
11.02.2023 | Friedensdemo zum Jahrestag des Überfalls auf die Ukraine
11.02.2023 | Wuppertaler demokratische Kräfte laden zur Friedensdemo
| Westdeutsche Zeitung Ein hochkarätiges Duo verzauberte
A top-class duo enchanted Together with the pianist Denis Yavorsky she gave an impressive concert. The top-class duo quickly enchanted the audience, Sheremetieva with her impressive singing. For her, rising vocally and maintaining the notes seemed effortless. She was still able to express so much with subtle facial expressions and gestures. There was a lot of applause for a duo that was absolutely worth listening to.
| Flucht aus der Ukraine
| Zum Jahresabschluss im Hoftheater ein Klassik-Höhepunkt
| Pfälzer Schloss - Groß-Umstadt
Soiree in the castle Unfortunately, many culture-goers would have missed out on a real experience with this concert, as one visitor judged the most recent soirée. In the end, the feeling of happiness remained that of having been part of a very personal, uniquely high-quality concert with likeable artists. It's actually impossible to put into words what a gifted singing artist we were able to witness here. |
22.11.2022 | Musikalisches Zeichen für ein gemeinsames Miteinander
29.10.2022 | Ein klassischer Abend |
17.08.2022 | "Al Watan" - Zeichen gegen Hass und Hetze |
| "makoge"-Konzert mit Top-Sopranistin aus der Ukraine
31.05.2022 | "makoge": Konzert mit ukrainischer Top-Sopranistin |
22.05.2022 | Die Stadtzeitung WUPPERTAL HILFT! Nadiia Sheremetieva singt für ihr Land
'In their homeland there is war and despair! Nadiia Sheremetieva helps her compatriots in a very special way. The soprano sings at the 14th charity festival of the WUPPERTAL HILFT! e.V. for people in need in Ukraine and for refugee women and children. In addition to the Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra, which is conducted by Patrick Hahne, the youngest general music director in the German-speaking region, the performances by the Ukrainian opera singer Nadiia Sheremetieva ... are among the absolute highlights.'