Nadiia Sheremetieva
Coloratura soprano



August 11, 2024, 6 pm
Nadiia Sheremetieva, soprano

Irina Stoianova, grand piano

Kleiner Kursaal
Vichyplatz 1, 83646 Bad Tölz


Common longing for peace

Nadiia Sheremetieva provides the highlights of the program
Nadiia Sheremetieva attracted a lot of attention. She managed the challenging coloraturas of a "Magic Flute" aria as well as the lyrical sounds of a Puccini. The audience rose from their seats and thanked her with shouts of bravo.

Westdeutsche Zeitung, 18.06.2024

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Music for Peace
Historic Wuppertal City Hall
June 16, 2024
Nadiia Sheremetieva, coloratura soprano
Sergej Ivanchuk, baritone
Vladimir Bodunov, violin
Maxim Lysov, guitar
Irina Stoianova, grand piano


"What a voice! Nadiia Sheremetieva (coloratura soprano) and Diala Hanana (pianist) invited people to this special concert on April 12, 2024. In doing so, she made the venerable building vibrate, because these are the highest notes that coloratura sopranos can sing."

photo: Iris Truschi


My new video is online
Mozart - The Queen of the Night "O don't tremble" from THE MAGIC FLUTE


April 14, 2024, Ev. Stadtkirche Wülfrath
Duo Nadiia Sheremetieva / Irina Stoianova with Thomas Gerhold

photo middle: Iris Truschi


Ukrainian artists enchant in the city church

'The Ukrainian coloratura soprano Nadiia Sheremetieva is no longer unknown in Wülfrath. Most recently, in January of this year, she thrilled the audience with the Ensemble Al Watan at the Awo-Kulturbistro. Now she is appearing again in the Kalkstadt.'

Rheinische Post, april 7, 2024


Photos: Irina Rakhuba


Press reviews of Al Watan's performance on January 26th. in Wülfrath:

“Nadiia Shremetieva filled the room with the impressive volume of her trained voice, accompanied by an extraordinary ensemble of various guitars, harps and accordions. Finely plucked, hit hard, gently stroked and rhythmically tapped - the classical and electric guitars provided strong rhythms, as well as the metallic, delicate sound of the harp in correspondence with the bright and lively sound of the mandolins. Enthusiastic shouts and thunderous applause also paid spontaneous recognition to the actors. (Westdeutsche Zeitung, January 29, 2024)

“What a start to the cultural program of the AWO-Kulturbistro 2024: ‘An impressive concert with a fantastic singer Nadiia Sheremetieva,’ was how one audience member summed up Al Watan’s concert in the AWO-Kulturbistro.” (TaeglichME, January 29, 2024)



