Nadiia Sheremetieva
Coloratura soprano

Ensemble Al Watan

"Al Watan" comes from the Arabic and means "home". The name of the ensemble is therefore also its programme.

The ensemble emerged from the Mandolin Concert Society Wuppertal's (Mandolinen-Konzertgesellschaft Wuppertal) project "Instrumental lessons for refugees". As part of this project, which ran from October 2015 to December 2018, refugees were given free lessons on the mandolin, guitar and baglama.
Al Watan is made up of people with roots in many different countries. They are participants in the project as well as members and friends of the Mandolin Concert Society.


Nadiia Sheremetieva, Ukraine

Sakine Korte-Acar, Deutschland / Türkei

Lana Horsthemke, Deutschland

Salam Almasrany, Syrien

Joseph Muaka, Kongo



Mit ihrer Musik, die vielen Kulturkreisen entstammt (westlich/amerikanisch, ukrainisch, afrikanisch, türkisch, arabisch, iranisch, jüdisch), setzt Al Watan ein Zeichen gegen Hass und Hetze und für ein friedliches Miteinander.


